The Association of Students of Computer Science for Information Interchange (ASCII) is the technical association of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. It was established in the year 1997. The association hosts various technical and social events planned and executed by students.

ASCII newsletter is a newsletter published by the student members of ASCII club, the technical club of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham under the guidance of the faculty. It has been in publication from 2017.

The field of Computer Science is ever evolving and has varied applications and it is imperative that upcoming professionals have a clear picture of the latest trends and upcoming research avenues. The newsletter aims to give students a platform to exhibit their talents in technical and non-technical arenas, pursue their fields of interest and serves as a platform for students to share their achievements. It gives an opportunity for students to work in teams guided by senior students and publish technical articles, ingraining in students the crucial value of collaboration while serving as a platform for peer-to-peer knowledge exchange.

1st Issue     NEW