Sl.No. Name Member Department
1 Dr.S Mahadevan Chair,Committee ADSA
2 Dr.K Bagavinar  Member Chief Warden
3 Dr.S Adarsh  Member PSW
4 Dr.Anantha Narayanan Member CSE
5 Mr.P Gopakumar Member ICTS
6 Mr.Vijay Narayanan Member Administration Office
7 Ms.Radhika Member CSE
8 Mr.V V Sajith Variyar Member CEN
9 Mr.Devarajan Member ME
10 Mr.Dhivakar Raviram. R.P Member ASB
11 TL Mr.Jayashankar Member Security Officer
12 Dr.Rajathilagam B  Member CSE
13 Ms.Aswathi KB  Member FSW

Emergency Response Team Members ERT -Academic Year 2024-25




  1. These instructions lay down the procedure to be followed in the campus on occurrence of untoward incidents. The responsibilities for dealing with the various categories of cases are given at Appendixbelow.A First Information report (FIR) will be rendered by the fastest available means to the persons responsible for initiating the response measures (Action Addressees). For simultaneous actions at all levels, it will be disseminated to all Information Addressees as well. One core Emergency Response Team (ERT) will operate under the direct supervision of the Dy Dean in case of major incidents like student unrest, death, accident or fire.
  2. ln emergent situations there is a tendency for rumor mongering and misinformation. Requisite information will be made available to the stakeholders from the office of the Assoc.Dean. Any briefing of outside agencies (Press/ Police etc) on major incidents will be done only by the Assoc.Dean/ nominated senior faculty.
  3. Parents will be informed by the respective functionaries concerned (Chief Faculty Warden (CFW) on hostel incidents / (Professor, Students Welfare (PSW)1 Department).
  4. Security Officer will be the de-facto Fire Officer. He shall prepare a fir'e fighting Team consisting of Cordon party; Fire Fighting Party and First Aid Party. He shall provide the necessary training and firefighting equipment at critical points.
Incident Location Action Addressees Information Addressees Remarks
Liquor/ Banned substances Inside campus Professor, Students Welfare(psw) Assoc. Dean, Chief Wa rden

1. Enqu iry-cum-Discipl inary
action by PSW
2. lnform parents.

Liquor/ Banned substances Outside campus PSW Assoc.Dean, Chief Warden, Dept,
PRO (ShriSheshodri)
Women Harassment All types Chairperson Women's Complaints and Redressal Cell Assoc.Dean, PSW Enquiry
Minority Harassment All types Chairperson SC/ ST Complaints and Redressal Cell Assoc.Dean, PSW Enquiry
Ragging/Affray/Assault Within/Outside Campus PSW, Disciplinary
1. Enquiry-cum-Disciplinary
action by PSW 2. lnform
Student Unrest Campus Assoc.Dean / PSW ERT Assoc.Dean, CCWH, PSW, Clinic,
Security, All Depts, PRO, DGM
(Shri C. M.Go palakrishnan)
1. ERT reach the venue
forthwith 2. Protect girl
students 3.
Suspend classes (on orders
from Deani
Suicide Attempt/ Death /Accident Campus Assoc.Dean; Clinic,
Security, PRO
Assoc.Dean, Dept, PSW 1. Reach the venue ASAP by
ERT 2. Rush casualtyto
clinic 3. Br. Gopan
to inform Police after
obtaining clea rance from
Dean 4. Cordon the area
for further enquiry -
Responsibility of Security
Fire Campus Security Officer; DGM;
Assoc.Dean, CCWH, Clinic Fire Fighting Equipment to
be kept serviceable at all
    ---------- Assoc.Dean Dean, Head ICTS, PRO Action in consultation with
  1. Composition of ERT: All CFWs are members of the ERT and 4 additional members are centrally nominated. 
  2. Responsibility:
     (a)During non working Hours:Centrally nominated ERT.
     (b)During working hours: The respective Dept Response Teams assisted by the centrally nominated ERT.
  3. Procedure to be Adopted(During Non-Working Hours).
     (a)First Information report (FIR): Any staff member noticing any abnormal activity by students shall inform the nearby security staff who will in turn inform the Security Officer.
     (b)Quick Relay of Information: Security Officer relays the information to Deputy Dean; HSAF and ERT.   (c)Quick Assembly of ERT: All members of the ERT shall rush to the spot on receipt of intimation.
     (d)The ERT will initiate necessary actions to defuse the situation.
     (e)Additional staff members will be assembled if required. 
  4. Procedure to be Adopted(During Working Hours).
    (a)Responsibility – Dept Chairperson.
    (b)Composition of Response Team.
    1. Dept Vice Chairperson – InCharge
    2. Batch Coordinator
    3. Respective class advisors
    4. Centrally nominated ERT.
    5. Security officer along with staff.
    6. Block Coordinators:
       Block wise to be assigned at Banglore Campus
    7. Actions to be initiated:
      • First lnformation report {FlR): Any staff member noticing any abnormal activity by students shall inform the Block Coordinator, Respective Dept Vice Chairperson, and the Security Officer.
      • Quick Relay of lnformation: Security Officer relays the information to Assoc. Dean; PSW and ERT.
      • Quick Assembly of Response Team: Block Coordinator/ Dept Vice Chairperson is responsible to assess the situation and summon the staff earmarked. Additional staff members will be assembled if required.
      • The Response Team will initiate all actions to defuse the situation.
  5. Additional Instructions for ERT:
    1. ​​Assemble forthwith at the scene of the incident and respond suitably. The team must talk to the students and will mobilize other faculty to manage the situation in case of student unrest.
    2. Accompany the students to hospital/police station in case of a need.
    3. Acquire complete picture of the incident and equip to answer queries from parents.
    4. Prepare a FIR and submit to the Action/Info Addressees of ERTChairperson/PRO/Class advisers
    5. The team must volunteer any work at the spot and whole heartedly execute it.
    6. One team member will take the responsibility of sharing the information to the concerned persons either through Mobile/email or SMS.
    7. One team member will take the responsibility of making a report/documentation for filing.
    8. The chairman/nominated faculty from the department to which the student belongs will do the follow up with the parents after the incident.

Dr.S Mahadevan
Associate Dean - Student Affairs