Expert Talk on Current Trends in Promoting Sports in India

As a part of Fit India Movement activity, Department of Physical Education and AAGNEYA the sports club of Amrita jointly organizing an online invited talk on Current trends in promoting sports in India. All are invited to attend and listen to the expert’s view. The speaker is a sports lover and Director, Swami Vivekananda Cultural and Heritage Centre, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu and former principal, Maruthi College of Physical education.

Suryanamskar - A Tribute on 75th Anniversary of Independence

A Precious Gift from Ancient Indian Sages India's ancient sages developed Suryanamaskar as a unique combination of physical and spiritual activity. Surya Namaskar is a 10-step combination of 8 poses, done with rhythmic breathing (Pranayama) and chanting Mantras . Besides being a great cardiovascular workout, Suryanamaskar is also known to have an immensely positive impact on the body, mind and intellect.