Standard Operating Procedures of Dy. Controller of Examination’s office

1. Exam Timetable (Mid Term and End Semester) and Seating Plan

2. Mandatory requirements to appear for all the exams

  • Admit Card, ID Card, Uniform (UG- mandatory, PG – formal dress code)
  • Separate exam admit card will be issued for midterm and end semester (including supplementary registrations) examinations

3. Loss of Exam Admit Card / Forgot to Bring 

  • Approach the office of Dy. CoE, W 201-Academic Block 1
  • Apply for duplicate admit card and pay the necessary fees online
  • Will be issued immediately after the verification
  • Link:

4. Examination without ID Card (Loss of ID card)

  • If the identity card is lost, the student can make a request to Deputy Controller of Examinations with the recommendation from Department Chairperson with the proof that the student has applied for new ID card. 

5. Missed Mid Term Examinations

  • Allowed only for the students missed their midterm on genuine medical reasons only.
  • Apply for the missed midterm exams within five working days from the date of last exam
  • Download application form for missed midterm exam from intranet (link:
  • Complete the form and attach the necessary proof (medical certificate)
  • Get the approval from the concerned faculty and submit the same to your department office.
  • The admit card issued for the midterm has to be used to appear for the missed midterm exam.

6.Instructions to be followed during the Examinations

  • Mobile phone, tablet, smart watch, programmable calculators or any other electronic communication gadgets are strictly prohibited inside the exam hall
  • After taking seat in the allotted location, please check the desk and surrounding places, if there are some materials inform the invigilator and hand over it immediately.
  • Place your Admit Card and Student ID card on your desk.
  • Read the instructions given in the answer booklet carefully
  • Exchange of any materials, pencils, mathematical instruments etc, is strictly prohibited.
  • Check the course code and course title of the question paper received against the admit card.
  • Answers should be in blue/black pen, and for diagrams pencils and other drawing aids can be uses.
  • You are required to stay for a minimum period, not permitted to leave the exam hall before half of the exam duration. (example: for a 3-hour exam, you will not be permitted to leave the hall before 1.5 hours)
  • No bio break during the exam duration, if you have any health issue, contact the office of Dy.CoE well in advance with the necessary medical proof for a separate hall arrangement. 

7. Students with Attendance Shortage 

  • Not permitted to appear for the end semester examinations of the course in which the student is having the attendance shortage and will be awarded with FA grade.
  • Condonation requests(if any) has to be processed (on valid medical reasons) through the Chairperson of the department.

8.Scribe for Exams (Unable to write the examination due to injury) 

  • Student can request for scribe to write the exam in case of hand injury
  • Application with the medical proof to be submitted to the head of the département
  • Recommendation of the department along with the scribe allotment will be communicated to the exam office by the department concerned.
  • Report to the exam office at Academic Block 1, 15 min prior to the commencement of examinations.
  • Extra time will be provided based on the maximum duration of the exam.
  • If the student is unable to walk/move to the first floor due to injury, then the exam seating will be provided in any one of the classrooms on the ground floor.

9.Revaluation Procedure

  • Download the application from the link .
  • Revaluation is applicable only for the theory courses.
  • Complete the application form and pay the fee, Payment option: Online (
  • Revaluation form along with the payment receipt to be submitted within 7 days from the date of publication of results in person/ mail to
  • The answer script will be sent to the respective department, and the student will be notified by the department about the date and time of revaluation.
  • Revaluation will be carried out in the presence of the respective faculty, chairperson of the department and the student.
  • The outcome of the revaluation will be communicated to the exam office.
  • If there is a change in grade, the revised results will be released after verification and approval from the head of the institution. The amount paid by the student will be refunded if there is a grade change after revaluation. 

10.Duplicate Certificate (In case of loss/ damage)

  • Duplicate copies of semester grade sheets and transcripts(consolidated) will be issued by the office of Dy.CoE. For duplicate degree certificate the student has to contact the office of CoE (
  • Applications for the duplicate certificates can be downloaded from our intranet page
  • Complete the form, notary affidavit and make the necessary payment through SBI collect (
  • If the original certificate is damaged, along with the duplicate request, the damaged certificate also need to be submitted, in such cases the notary affidavit is not required.
  • Submit the form with the payment proof and other necessary documents either in person to exam office or by speed post addressing to Office of Deputy Controller of Examinations.

11.Transcript Application

  • Student can get their Transcripts in two ways.
    1. In person or
    2. By Speed post
  • Application form for Transcript can be downloaded from our intranet page
  • Complete the form, and make the necessary payment through SBI collect (
  • If a student want transcript to be in the sealed envelope, He/she has to provide a cloth cover. (A4 size)
  • Submit the form with the payment proof and other necessary documents in person to exam office or by speed post addressing to Office of Deputy Controller of Examinations or Send a mail to ( with the attachment of application form and payment receipt).
  • The student will receive a reply from once the transcript is ready.
  • Fee details are available for the students on our Intranet page
  • ** For sending transcripts directly to foreign universities, WES applications and certificate verification contact office of Controller of Examinations (

12.Attestation of Certificates

  • For attestation, students can submit Xerox copies of their certificates to the Office of Deputy Controller of Examination (Room Number W- 201, Academic Block I) which will be verified and attested based on the provided copies.
  • Certificate attestation can be done in two ways: either by submitting the original certificates for direct verification or by providing copies of the certificates without originals.
  • Fee details are available for the students on our Intranet page

13.Rank Certificate, No Backlog Certificate and Grade Explanation Letter

  • Rank Certificate and No Backlog Certificate and Grade Explanation Letter will be issued by the office of Dy.CoE. Student can send a request to or approach the Office of Deputy Controller of Examinations (Room Number W- 201, Academic Block I) 

14.Conversion Certificate (CGPA to Percentage)

  • The Conversion Certificate is available for the students on our Intranet page as a ready download document. Conversion-Certificate.pdf.

15.Course Completion Certificate

  • Student can apply for a course completion certificate if he/she has completed all the credit requirements. It is an interim arrangement before the issue of provisional certificate.
  •  Student can send a request to or approach the approach the Office of Deputy Controller of Examinations.
  • The student will receive a reply from once the Course completion certificate is ready