To identify the new student coordinators for the Amrita Talkies film club an election is planned on 8 September 2023 Friday. Election is for the post of: President
Onam Celebration 2023
This orientation is tailored for both freshers and existing members to acquaint them with the essence of the Amrita Talkies Film Club. Get ready for an enriching cinematic experience at the Amrita Talkies Film Club Orientation on August 18th.
We are excited to invite you to a special movie screening of the iconic film "Rang De Basanti" in commemoration of India's 76th Independence Day. Hosted by Amrita Talkies Film Club, this event aims to rekindle the patriotic fervor and pay tribute to the sacrifices that have shaped our nation.
77th INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS…… CAMPUS MARATHON ON 14.08.2023 @ 5.30PM The Department of Physical Education, Fit India Movement and AAGNEYA will be jointly organizing a Campus Marathon on 14th August 2023 @5.30pm in the Main Playground as part of the 76th Independence Day Celebrations.
As we approach the 76th year of India's hard-earned independence, the Amrita Talkies Film Club is thrilled to announce a unique opportunity to pay homage to our motherland – the "A Letter to Bharat Mata" competition. This initiative aims to encourage introspection, articulate feelings, and share…
One of the components of induction program for the first year student was Creative Arts. The aim to introduce creative arts was to enhance creative side of the students and allow for creative expression. This will give you freedom to explore and enjoy producing artwork, learning how to use…
We are pleased to inform that the last date to apply for the MSME Idea Hackathon 3.0 for all women innovators has been extended till August 10, 2023.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in our upcoming Elocution Competition on the topic “Today’s Social Issue”.This elocution is certain to be a thrilling and interesting experience, regardless of whether you are an expert on social elements or are simply interested in learning more about…
Are you ready for a really exciting yet challenging fun game? If your answer is “YES “! You are in for a promising fun time in our ARYA club’s “SNAKES TO GOODIES”!