September 23, 9:00 am

Academic Block-2
Venue Room No: E-106 &
Food Science Laboratory



National Nutrition Month is celebrated in the month of  September in India to generate awareness among the general public about the significance of healthy eating practices and proper nutrition for upholding a nourishing life style 23rd & 24th September-2022

REGISTER NOW         Events Guidelines          INVITATION    

 23rd September 

Venue Events Time
AB-2 E-106 Nutri Expo 9:00AM To 5:00PM
AB-2 E-106 Wellness Clinic 9:00AM To 5:00PM
AB-2 FSL The Health Chef-Cooking Competition 3:00PM To 4:00PM
AB-2 E-106 Foodography 3:00PM To 4:00PM

      24th September

Venue Events Time
AB-2 E-405 Cultural Education Seminar Hall The Ultimate Food Quiz 3:00PM To 4:00PM
AB-2 E-405 Cultural Education Seminar Hall Prize Distribution 4:00PM To 4:30PM


Photos / Flyers (Click Image to Expand)

Flyer - Nutrition Sustenance Forum

Event contact information

Organized By

Department Of Sciences
School Of Physical Sciences
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore

Event Coordinator 

Dr P R Janci Rani
Contact No            :  9486034723