September 24, 4:00 pm

As a part of FIT INDIA MOVEMENTDepartment of Physical Education and AAGNEYA is Jointly organizing an online expert’s talk on BE FIT” On 24th September, 2021 between 4.00 pm & 5.00 pm.

Platform :Teams


Prof. Dr. Ch. VST. SAIKUMAR B.Sc., M.P.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Principal & Secretary,
Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya,
Maruthi College of Physical Education,
Coimbatore – 641 020, Tamilnadu.

He is a renowned teacher with 30 years of teaching experience in the field of physical education and sports sciences and also a qualified NIS cricket coach. He guided 45 M.Phil., and 20 Ph.D., candidates. At present he is guiding 6 Ph.D., scholars. He is chief editor of Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences (JOPESS) a Bi-annual journal. He published 6 books in Physical Education. He also served as member of Syndicate in Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai and as a member of the Senate of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

  • 04:00 PM - Welcome address by Dr. O J Kumaresan, Director of Physical Education.
  • 04:05 PM - Introduction of the speaker by Dr. J Selvanambi, Asst. Director of Physical Education
  • 04:10 PM - Talk by Dr. VST Saikumar, (45 minutes).
  • Vote of thanks

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Event contact information

Organized by Dept. of Physical Education,

Event Organiser:

Dr. Kumaresan O.J (Nodal Officer - Fit India Movement),
Director of Physical Education.

Call: +91 90470 84579 / +91 93642 64212
Whatsapp: +91 88387 51166
Phone: 0422-2685154 / 2685156

Event coordinator:

S Selvanayaki,
Physical Training Instructor,

Contact no.: +91 93615 06166
Whatsapp : +91 94867 74477