November 24, 9:15 am

The last date for Online Registrations for Events is November 3rd, 2023

The Prelims will commence from November 6th, 2023 onwards


Amrita's Biggest Cultural Festival, "AMRITOTSAVAM 2023" will be conducted on November 24th and 25th, 2023. This edition of Amritotsavam 2023 consists of total 43 Events.
The Curtain Raiser for Amritotsavam 2023 will be conducted near the Saraswathy Statue, Academic Block 1 on October 30th, 4:45 PM.
The last date for Online Registrations for Events is November 3rd, 2023.
The Prelims will commence from November 6th, 2023 onwards.

Event contact information

Mr. Peeyush K P & Anusha K.S
Overall Coordinators - Amritotsavam 2023
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.)
Department of ECE
Amrita School of Engineering