Certificate Distribution
FN: 10:00 am to 12.00 noon
AN: 02.00pm to 04.00pm
on all the working days as per the institute calendar published in our intranet page.
Amriteshwari Hall, AB-1
The major problem the planet is going through is ‘climate change’, which will lead to an environmental crisis. This urges an immediate step. Solution for this can also be derived from the Gita. Our spiritual wisdom encourages us to live in harmony with nature. Hence, we are celebrating Gita Jayanthi with a tree planting session.
Time: 4:00
Venue: Student’s parking area, Main gate
Followed by a rally, creating awareness about the climate change. Join us as a soldier in our campaign to save the environment.
Time: 4:30
Venue: from AB1 car parking to Amriteshwari Hall via main canteen.
This collab is getting even deeper with our joining hands with the SPARK team - a the motivational wing of Arya. We are honored to have the presence of H.H. BHAKTI VINODA SWAMI. He is a travelling monk, an international motivational speaker, youth leadership coach and a trustee of ISKCON. He is also an alumnus of NIT Trichy, and was a design engineer at Grindwell Norton. Inspired by the eloquence of speech and depth of his message, he has been invited to several universities, including Stanford, Harvard to address the students and inspire the youth to become real change makers of future. Now we are going to have him at our college. We are requesting you to take this good time to hear his words.
Time: 05:00 pm
Venue: Amriteshwari Hall