July 24, 10:00 am

Fully Online

Gurupurnima Students Events 2021 Congratulations to all the enthusiastically participated students and Prize winners of the Gurupurnima competitions that were held from 17th to 20th July 2021.

    Sl.No Name Roll No. Place
    1 K.Tharun Reddy CB.EN.U4ECE19129 First
    2 S. Janani CB.EN.U4ECE18219 Second
    3 U Krishna Viswas CB.EN.U4ELC19056 Third
    4 Shyamala Iyer CB.EN.U4AEE18040
    Sl.No Name Roll No. Place
    1 Tayi Nitya CB.EN.U4ECE18066 First
    2 Kavya Balaji CB.EN.U4ELC20029 Second
    3 V R S Srripathy Ram CB.EN.U4MEE18161 Third
    4 Haripriya Murali CB.BU.P2MBA20058
  • QUIZ
    Sl.No Name Roll No. Place
    1 Suraj S CB.EN.U4CSE20164 First
    2 Chekuri Rohan Karthikeya CB.EN.U4ELC20029 Second
    3 V S Sriraam CB.EN.U4ECE20257 Third
    4 Konakalla Bhava Bharath Suhas CB.EN.U4CSE20034

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Amrita Darshanam - International Centre for Spiritual Studies in association with the students' welfare department is organising Online competitions during the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima July 2021. Three events/competitions are open to all students of the Coimbatore campus. All members of the Amrita Family are requested to encourage students to participate in large numbers in these events and motivate them to know about the importance of Guru in life.

Click here to register - Guru Purnima 2021

Following events are conducted as part of Guru Purnima Celebrations ( Open for all Students)

  1. ELOCUTION (Date & Time : 17 July 2021, 11am -1pm)

    • Theme: 'My Guru and what I learnt from him'
    • Duration of presentation: Max 4+1 minutes
  2. SANSKRIT SLOKA RECITATION (Date & Time : 19 July 2021, 4 PM- 5 PM)

    • Theme: Rendition of Sanskrit verses on Guru, such as Guru Aṣṭaka, Guru Pādukā Strotra  and Guru Stuti
    • Click Here: Texts of various Guru Stutis
    • Duration of presentation: 2+1 minutes
  3. QUIZ (Date & Time : 20 July 2021, 5pm - 6pm)

    • Theme: Guru Parampara - Life and Works of Great Gurus of India (Online Quiz based on the life, incidents and works of gurus and saints of India)
    Photos / Flyers (Click Image to Expand)

    Poster - Guru Purnima 2021

    Organized by:

    Amrita Darshanam


    • Pavitra B : 88706 13607
    • Ragavi Rajkumar : 93610 84774