Certificate Distribution
FN: 10:00 am to 12.00 noon
AN: 02.00pm to 04.00pm
on all the working days as per the institute calendar published in our intranet page.
Sudhamani Hall
Guidelines and Instructions for NatuRX The Biomed Quiz 2025 Je t’AIME
• The Quiz will consist of two rounds: A written Prelims and the main event on the stage
• Participants are requested to assemble in Sudhamani Hall by 12:45 PM.
• The distribution of the prelims question paper will begin precisely at 1:00 PM.
• Participants will have a total of 20 minutes to complete the question paper. Answer sheets will be
collected precisely at 1:20 PM.
• Thereafter, while the prelims answers are being corrected and ranked, the audience will
engage in “infotainment” interactions with the Quizmaster, who will ask questions to the
• The question paper consists of 41 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on a single sheet of paper.
• No negative scoring for the evaluation.
• The results of the prelims will be announced by 1:50 PM.
• The top 5 performers in prelims will advance to the next round.
• The remaining teams can sit in the same assigned place and continue answering as audience and
win exciting rewards even after the Prelims.
• In case of a tie for the finalists, there would be a brief tie-breaker questionnaire.
Main Round:
• In the main round on the stage, each question will be displayed via a projector.
• Each team will have a buzzer, and the team that presses it first will get the opportunity to answer
the question.
• If multiple teams hit the buzzer and the first team fails to answer, the chance will be given to the
next team (in the order of buzzing sequence).
• Participants will receive +10 points for each correct answer and -10 points for each incorrect
• If none of the teams that pressed the buzzer can answer correctly, the question will be passed to
the audience, and anyone who answers correctly will receive a treat.
• After a few rounds (some of which might be thematic), we would ask the lowest scoring team to
leave the stage, leaving behind 4 on the stage. Then after a few rounds, we would ask one more
team to leave. The finalists would be three teams.
• The team with the highest points will win the first prize of ₹6000, while the second-place team will
receive ₹3000.
• All participants will receive an E-Certificate.
We will be having 10 teams featuring faculty, 16 teams from other departments and 24 teams from AIME;
totalling up to exactly 50 teams in all.
All procedures shall be fair, accountable and transparent.
Quizmaster’s team’s (Quizzer, Scorer & Timer) decisions shall be final.
Mahadev, General Secretary & Dheeraj Chowdary, President