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Young Scientist Award-2023,The Academy of Science, Chennai.
Dr. Prakash P has received the Young Scientist Award-2023 for Mathematical Sciences from the Academy of Sciences, Chennai.He has been working as an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore Campus.
Dr Prakash P received an A M Mathai Research Award for the single-authored research article contribution to Amrita Affiliation in 2020 from the Indian Mathematical Society, New Delhi.He also received a research fund named the IMU Breakout PhD Scholarship (nearly 25100 USD) for his PhD Scholar from the International Mathematical Union, Germany (https://www.mathunion.org/cdc/imu-breakout-graduate-fellowship-awardees-2023).
He was selected to present a poster research presentation at two prestigious international mathematical events, namely the fifth Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF)-2017 and the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM)-2018, under the funding of conference organizers and International Mathematical Union (IMU), Germany. He has more than seven years of research experience with nearly 20 research publications in reputed Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journals in the area of fractional-order partial differential equations.
His research interest is associated with developing analytical methods for scalar and systems of coupled nonlinear FDEs that arise in physical models. More precisely, he has successfully developed the invariant subspace method to obtain the analytical solutions of the fractional-order nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). Also, his research work is focused on the Lie group analysis method for scalar and coupled nonlinear fractional-order ODEs and PDEs. His important research contributions include Lie symmetries, Lie algebra, invariant subspaces, conservation laws, and exact solutions of scalar and coupled nonlinear fractional diffusion-convection-reaction-wave equations.
Dr. Prakash P,
Assistant Professor (Sr. Grade),
Department of Mathematics,
Amrita School of Physical Sciences,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
E-Mail ID:p_prakash@cb.amrita.edu